Maintain a youthful online presence through advertising and awareness


Stand out from the crowd with digital media marketing

Through effective targeted advertising, we make sure your target audience understands your brand and feels invited into your attraction and recruitment universe. Based on the media habits of today’s youth, we assist in choosing the correct media channel, pressure and message.

CompanYoung works with a successful method as foundation for our attraction and recruitment strategies.
The second step in our model is advertising and contact. It is during this phase we make sure you are accessible to the youth.

Strategy & Insights


Identify & storytelling
KPIs & targets

Advertising & Awareness


Social media

Branding & Conversion


Text, photo & video content
Live chat

Nurturing & Clarification


Applicant screening & tracking
Talent pipeline
Insights & analysis


Advertising services and awareness efforts

Here is a sample of the services we provide in Advertising & Awareness:

  • Media Planning
  • Media Booking
  • Media assessment and optimisation
  • Creation of advertisement content
  • Formation and execution of social media strategies
  • Search engine optimisation

We are experts in respect to all current social media trends – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and more.

“We have become more knowledgeable about the use of social media, and the dialogue with CompanYoung has contributed to a more efficient marketing of the school. It has been an important factor concerning the increase in student numbers.”

Kenneth Vennerstrøm, Headmaster, Oure Boarding School of Sports & Performing Arts.

Gain visibility faster

If you want to appear on the radar of today’s youth, it is important that you use the right channels – and in the right way.

of the Danish youth use Facebook actively
of 15-20 year olds prefer Snapchat as platform
improved ROI can be obtained through efficient media planning

Our experts

Our Advertisement & Awareness team has unparalleled experience in executing targeted advertisement. They have a wealth of knowledge about the youth’s use of digital and social media. This – combined with access to Denmark’s biggest database – makes CompanYoung the most knowledgeable within the field. If you are interested in finding out more, we are happy to chat with you – simply reach out to one of our experts.

Kasper Fly

Senior Media Specialist Linkedin

Let’s talk about your online visibility!

Are you intrigued?

We would be happy to tell you more about our specific strategies, and how we can customise them to your needs.